The Blood Typing Activity
Welcome to information page for the blood typing activity formatted by the Gallagher group! Here you can find instructions on how to utilize an inexpensive blood typing kit for teaching High School age students about cellular recognition and immune responses. Below you will find instructional information, all necessary files for completing the activity, and additional resources on exploring the involvement of carbohydrates in the immune system.
The Activity
In doing this activity you will learn about the roles of carbohydrates in cellular recognition, the importance of blood typing to society, and how to investigate properties utilizing wet chemistry techniques. At the end of this activity, you will have a better understanding of the immune response and its functions dependent on bio-molecules. Download the activity below!
Additional resources for exploring forensic chemistry and blood typing
The American Chemical Society
The ACS publishes informational pages about jobs that employ chemistry on a daily basis. Here you can find a link to the forensic chemistry page which connects to all others
Kahn Academy
Kahn Academy is a non-profit education website created by Salman Kahn. There are video series and lesson plans for numerous topics, however the one related to blood typing may be found below.